Collaborative governance, Quadruple helix, Regional developmentAbstract
Cooperation networks between government, universities, companies and society have been identified as inducers of innovation and regional development. In this sense, the objective of this research is to analyze how the collaborative process occurs between the governance agents of a regional innovation ecosystem, the Inova RS program. Thus, a case study was carried out, with a qualitative and descriptive approach. Data collection procedures were in-depth interviews and documental research. The content analysis technique was used to interpret the collected data. The results showed that there is face-to-face dialogue between the actors in the program meetings. In relation to the construction of trust, some divergences have already occurred, mainly between actors representing universities, but they were resolved by the consensus of the group. The commitment to the process revealed the acceptance of the deliberations, but actors representing companies have low participation in the program. Shared understanding occurs when personal interests do not outweigh the interests of the program. As intermediate results, the execution of innovation projects with the financial support of the state government was highlighted. Expectations of future results fall on the participation of new actors from a greater number of municipalities in the Northwest and Missões regions of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as the definition of a strategic plan that allows the monitoring and measurement of the program's results.
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