
  • Anderson Saccol Ferreira PPGDR/UTFPR
  • Maria de Lourdes Bernartt PPGDR/UTFPR
  • José Ricardo da Rocha Campos PPGDR/UTFPR
  • Cristiane Maria Tonetto Godoy PPGDR/UTFPR
  • Gilson Ditzel Santos


Smart cities, Intelligence indicators, Quality of life indicators, Indicator similarities


This research aims to compare the similarities between the smart city indicators with the indices of the challenges of municipal management in six cities São Paulo (SP), Florianópolis (SC), Curitiba (PR), Maringá (PR), Jundiaí (SP), and São José do Rio Preto (SP). This study is characterized as a quantitative and qualitative research, descriptive in nature, through a document analysis that aims to compare municipal intelligence indicators and the challenge of
municipal management. The research results indicate important relationships that indicate a similarity in the performances of the municipalities, similarly show deficiencies between the municipalities in the environmental, mobility, energy and education axis, and these are not fully connected with ICT. Among the survey results, we highlight that to leverage smart cities there is a need for smart human capital, this factor can be achieved with investment in education and consequently contributes to the quality of life in cities. It is noteworthy that the survey results contribute to improve quality of life and intelligence in cities and regional development.

Author Biographies

Anderson Saccol Ferreira, PPGDR/UTFPR

Doutorando do PPGDR da UTFPR de Pato Branco

Maria de Lourdes Bernartt , PPGDR/UTFPR

Professora titular do PPGDR da UTFPR de Pato Branco. Doutorado em Educação.

José Ricardo da Rocha Campos, PPGDR/UTFPR

Professor titular do PPGDR da UTFPR de Pato Branco. Doutorado em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas

Cristiane Maria Tonetto Godoy, PPGDR/UTFPR

Doutor em Extensão Rural pela UFSM. Bolsista de Pós-doutorado no PPGDR/UTFPR.

Gilson Ditzel Santos

Professor titular do PPGDR da UTFPR de Pato Branco. Doutorado em Administração


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How to Cite

FERREIRA, A. S.; BERNARTT , M. de L.; CAMPOS, J. R. da R.; GODOY, C. M. T.; SANTOS, G. D. . EVALUATION OF QUALITY OF LIFE AND INTELLIGENCE INDICATORS IN CITIES:: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Proceedings of the Latin American Symposium on Regional Development Studies, IJUÍ - RS - BRASIL, v. 3, n. 1, 2023. Disponível em: https://publicacoeseventos.unijui.edu.br/index.php/slaedr/article/view/22856. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



ST3 – Políticas públicas, planejamento urbano e integração regional

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