Extension project, Food and nutrition security, Healthy eating, Pedagogical ActivitiesAbstract
Food and Nutrition Security offers citizens the right of regular and permanent access to food with quality and in sufficient quantity without putting at risk their power to exercise other rights, currently a significant portion of the population lives with the situation of food insecurity. From this perspective, the objective of this work, the result of the UNIJUÍ extension project, Gestão Social e Cidadania, was to develop pedagogical activities in the area of food and sustainability for the promotion of health, with children who attend the Estação Cidadania Cultura e Esporte do Parque da Quarry - Ijuí/RS. The work was developed with a prevailing qualitative approach, focused on the observation of children who attend the Station and their families in a secondary way. For the development of educational activities in the area of food and sustainability, a
suspended vegetable garden was made with recycled materials (pet bottles and pallets), participatory workshops and interactive conversations were also held. Eight workshops were developed for the implementation, maintenance and collective care of the suspended vegetable garden, three cooking workshops (collaborative cart and salted cake) and a soap production workshop, whose product was distributed to the children's families. During the workshops, interactive conversation circles were held, with the children taking the lead. The activities carried out went beyond knowledge about food and nutrition, expanding to areas such as biology, mathematics, geography, Portuguese management and costs, making it possible to work within an interdisciplinary perspective. During the activities, the acquisition of new agroecological values was visible, which are transferred from children to parents, disseminating the idea of suspended gardens in their own homes.
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