
  • Tatiane Batista Boeno Pêno Nogueira
  • Lidiane Kasper IFFar - PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Roberta Rodrigues Valandro PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Nelson José Thesing
  • Jorge Oneide Sausen PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Pedro Luís Büttenbender PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Palabras clave:

Gobernancia, Consejo Administrativo, Consejo Fiscal, Cooperativismo


Credit unions have specific legislation, an official regulation, which points to a governance structure, having as a goal, the search for better performance, the achievement of sustainability, based on principles and values. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the performance of Administrative and Tax Agents in the light of the Guide to Best Governance Practices in a credit cooperative, in the Northwest region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. In methodological terms, it is a descriptive research, of a qualitative nature, through the application of a questionnaire directed to agents of the Administration Council, Fiscal Council and Internal Audit of the credit union. The results indicate that the researched Credit Union carries out  several activities related to Governance, performing functions in accordance with the practices of the IBGC. The Board of Directors, when leading the actions of Strategic Planning, receives support from Committees, the process of professional qualification being notorious. The Fiscal Council, on the other hand, regularly carries out inspections and compliance with legal andstatutory duties, with the support of the Audit, when verifying the goals. The Audit works with the Fiscal Council and the Board of Directors, an environment where a good relationship between governance agents is highlighted, following the guidelines of Good Governance Practices, from the Brazilian Institute of Governance Guide.

Biografía del autor/a

Tatiane Batista Boeno Pêno Nogueira

Estudiante de maestría en PPGDR/UNIJUÍ, becaria UNIJUÍ.

Lidiane Kasper, IFFar - PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Estudiante de doctorado del PPGDR/UNIJUÍ, becario de la CAPES.

Roberta Rodrigues Valandro, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Estudiante de maestría en PPGDR/UNIJUÍ, becaria de la CAPES.

Nelson José Thesing

Maestro docente del PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Jorge Oneide Sausen, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Maestro docente del PPGDR/UNIJUÍ.

Pedro Luís Büttenbender, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Maestro docente del PPGDR/UNIJUÍ.


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Cómo citar

NOGUEIRA, T. B. B. P.; KASPER, L. .; VALANDRO, R. R.; THESING, N. J.; SAUSEN, J. O.; BÜTTENBENDER, P. L. DESEMPEÑO DE LOS AGENTES DE GOBIERNO EN UNA COOPERATIVA DE CRÉDITO A LA LUZ DE LA GUÍA DE MEJORES PRÁCTICAS DEL IBGC. Actas del Simposio Latinoamericano de Estudios de Desarrollo Regional, IJUÍ - RS - BRASIL, v. 3, n. 1, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dic. 2024.



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