
  • Vanessa Zobel
  • Darielli Gindri Resta Fontana UFSM
  • Elisiane Bisognin PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Larissa Beck Zardin PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Pedro Luis Buttenbender PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Nelson José Thesing PPGDR/UNIJUÍ


Health Unic System, Social Control, Public policy


Participation and social control are legal prerogatives of the Unified Health System (SUS), which guarantees the population to participate in the decision-making processes involved in the formulation, implementation and control of public policies. The objective of this study is to know the advances of the local health system in the 90s from the spaces of democratic decision: Municipal Health Council and Municipal Health Conferences in the city of Santa Rosa, RS. This is qualitative, descriptive and transversal research. Data collection was performed through document search and the analysis of results was through thematic analysis. The advances of Public Health Policies in Brazil have their effectiveness from the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the legal frameworks through Laws 8080 and 8142 of 1990. The formulation of SUS has as a differential the democratic processes of management with legitimacy of the participation of the community . In the city of Santa Rosa in the 1990s, the alignment of local health management with the federal legislation can be seen, which made it possible to organize the local health system from the municipalization of health, strengthening care from the perspective of integrality. In the development of activities, it was possible to identify the management capacity based on and effected by the participation of the community in different spaces, especially in the Municipal Health Council and in the Municipal Health Conferences.

Author Biographies

Vanessa Zobel

Especialista em Gestão de Organização Pública em Saúde (UFSM) e Assistente Social.

Darielli Gindri Resta Fontana, UFSM

Doutora em Enfermagem (UFRGS) e Professora da UFSM.

Elisiane Bisognin, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Doutoranda em Desenvolvimento Regional - PPGDR/UNIJUÍ; Bolsista Prosuc/Capes

Larissa Beck Zardin, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Doutoranda em Desenvolvimento Regional - PPGDR/UNIJUÍ; Bolsista Prosuc/Capes.

Pedro Luis Buttenbender, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Professor do PPGDR UNIJUI, Doutor em Administração (UNAM e UFMS), Estagiário Pós- Doc no

Nelson José Thesing, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Professor do PPGDR/UNIJUI, Doutor em Integração Regional (UFPel), Brasil(2004) e Presidente COREDE
Noroeste Colonial.


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How to Cite

ZOBEL, V.; FONTANA, D. G. R.; BISOGNIN, E.; ZARDIN, L. B.; BUTTENBENDER, P. L.; THESING, N. J. POPULAR PARTICIPATION IN THE CONFORMATION OF SUS: : ADVANCES IN THE 90’S IN THE CITY OF SANTA ROSA/RS. Proceedings of the Latin American Symposium on Regional Development Studies, IJUÍ - RS - BRASIL, v. 3, n. 1, 2023. Disponível em: https://publicacoeseventos.unijui.edu.br/index.php/slaedr/article/view/22978. Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.

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