Sustainable Development Goals, Public Policy, Regional DevelopmentAbstract
Sustainability and smart cities are topics that are gaining increasing relevance in academic research and are often interrelated. The themes are important and address a new pattern of development and organization for society. The 2030 Agenda and its sustainable development goals (SDGs) establish the main references on the subject worldwide. In Brazil, there are several initiatives that are connected to a greater or lesser degree with the theme, the national strategies for smart cities, represented by the Brazilian Charter for Smart Cities (CBCI) and by the proposal for the National Policy for Smart Cities (PNCI), are public policies that are adept of these principles. Each nation has its particular context and must adapt these guidelines, so the present work aims to identify how the concept of sustainability and the SDGs translate into strategies in Brazilian agendas for smart cities. The documents that formalize the proposals were analyzed using the Content Analysis technique. The results found confirm the high level of adherence to the SDGs. It emerges from the analysis that actions in the perspective of SDGs 9, 11, 16 and 17 establish the emphasis of national proposals. The PNCI reinforces the adoption of strategies for the educational development of people, aiming to qualify those who are the main actors responsible for the intelligence of the city. On the other hand, the CBCI, although it also addresses the social and human aspect, emphasizes the theme of digital transformation, which led to the construction of a document with a more technical and specific repertoire.
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