Regional development, Territoriality, Decision makingAbstract
This theoretical essay aims to analyze the theoretical aspects that emerge about decision-making from the perspective of territoriality. To this end, the methodological approach followed a qualitative and exploratory approach, relying on authors such as Benko (1999), Etges (2005), Santos (2005), Flores (2006) and Etges and Degrandi (2013) who discuss regional development and territoriality, followed by main concepts and definitions on the subject and, finally, the conjuncture regarding decision-making was analyzed, with a view on the theories of Herbert Simon from authors such as Steingraber and Fernandez (2013) , Oliveira and de Paula (2014), Sbicca (2014), de Mello et al. (2021) and de Barros, Ruschel and Dalcin (2020). At the end of the work, the theoretical framework shows that the articulation of the theme of decision-making from the perspective of territoriality, with the intention of contributing to regional development, can contribute to the mobilization of social actors for the promotion and strengthening of horizontalities and reduction of entropy. In addition, the idea of limited rationality articulated in a territoriality perspective can represent an open door for the promotion of local cultures that privilege the common good, the preservation of the environment and the thought of guaranteeing adequate living conditions for future generations.
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