
  • Camilla Steinhaus PPGDR/UNISC
  • Fernando Batista Bandeira da Fontoura PPGDR/UNISC
  • Luis Carlos Alves PPGDR/UNISC


Development, Co-creation of value, Organizational strategy, Territoriality


The main objective of this essay is to analyze the organizational development from the value co-creation strategy of the territorial point of view. Organizational development based on the co-creation of value strategy presents a multidimensional perspective detached from the standardized models of organizations limited only to their attributions of rigid accumulation of capital, not focusing on values such as efficiency, control and results, but more guided by their social repercussions for development. About the organizational development strategies and consumption desire the redefinition of the global to the regional focus on the quest to understand the identity of the territories and their peculiarities, in order to develop policies that can encourage people and organizations to continue or come to carry out their activities in the region, thus promoting the multiple centralities in the territory.

Author Biographies

Camilla Steinhaus, PPGDR/UNISC

Master's student at Unisc's PPGDR; Prosuc/Capes Type II Scholarship

Fernando Batista Bandeira da Fontoura, PPGDR/UNISC

Doctor in Regional Development UNISC

Luis Carlos Alves, PPGDR/UNISC

Doctoral student at the PPGDR at Unisc.


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How to Cite

STEINHAUS, C. .; FONTOURA, F. B. B. da; ALVES, L. C. . ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CO-CREATION OF VALUE:: THE STRATEGY FROM THE TERRITORY POINT OF VIEW. Proceedings of the Latin American Symposium on Regional Development Studies, IJUÍ - RS - BRASIL, v. 3, n. 1, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.



ST4 – Inovação, Gestão de organizações e dinâmicas de mercados