PISEG, Participatory Democracy, Security, GovernanceAbstract
The purpose of this article is to promote reflection on the Incentive Program for the Reequipment of Public Security/RS. The object of the study is PISEG, a state government program that offers companies in Rio Grande do Sul the opportunity to contribute part of their ICMS tax liability to investments in public security. This programme reveals concepts of participatory democracy when it involves the community, of governance when the management process takes place horizontally and consecrates local power in the territories. The initiative of a group of people organised from an institute was the trigger for legislation and, together with the Secretariat of Public Security, they noted an alternative way to strengthen police institutions, greater popular participation and the consequent reduction in criminal indicators that affected the entire state. The objective, which is presented as the research problem, is to evaluate whether the initiative contributed with sufficient results to support the reduction of crime rates in the state. In addition to this reflection, present statistical data that sediment the effectiveness of the initiative. This is a basic research, with a quantitative approach and a deductive method based on bibliographic and documental exploration.
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