
  • Schana Shirley Silva PPGDPP/UFFS
  • Deise de Moura Tolfo PPGDPP/UFFS
  • Dione Joel Thomas PPGDPP/UFFS
  • Euclides Spies PPGDPP/UFFS
  • Rozelaine Rubia Bueno D'almeida UFSM e PPGDPP/UFFS
  • Carlos Eduardo Ruschel Anes PPGDPP/UFFS


Environment, Development, Sustainability


The concept of development has evolved during the past decades so that it could finally be understood by a part of the society. Today, the term development can be seen as a mixture of the economic, social, and environmental aspects of a population – its understanding is related to the concept of sustainable development. In this light, this study aimed at analyzing the environmental issues and the global development challenges. For this purpose, a bibliographical, exploratory, and qualitative research was carried out, so that the theoretical framework of the study originated its results and discussions. As for the principles studied in this research, it is worth mentioning that the principles of economic, social, and sustainable development were addressed, as well as the principles of global development in view of the tripod of sustainability and, finally, well-being as an alternative to development. An evolution on the concept of development was analyzed, which, as we know, was shaped by historical moments – we also tried to reflect on the idea that human beings are part of the environment. Thus, we found out that there are different points of view of sustainable development; moreover, we also observed the existing paradox between the dynamics of economic development and society per se to raise questions on how to achieve a well-being that promotes quality of life for citizens.

Author Biographies

Schana Shirley Silva, PPGDPP/UFFS

Mestranda no PPGDPP/UFFS, Campus de Cerro Largo/RS.

Deise de Moura Tolfo, PPGDPP/UFFS

Mestranda em Desenvolvimento e Políticas Públicas no PPGDPP/UFFS, Campus de Cerro Largo/RS.

Dione Joel Thomas, PPGDPP/UFFS

Mestrando em Desenvolvimento e Políticas Públicas no PPGDPP/UFFS, Campus de Cerro Largo/RS. 

Euclides Spies, PPGDPP/UFFS

Mestrando em Desenvolvimento e Políticas Públicas no PPGDPP/UFFS, Campus de Cerro Largo/RS.

Rozelaine Rubia Bueno D'almeida, UFSM e PPGDPP/UFFS

Mestre em Integração Latino-Americana pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM.

Carlos Eduardo Ruschel Anes, PPGDPP/UFFS

Doutor em Desenvolvimento Regional pelo PPGDR/UNISC. Professor e Pesquisador do PPGDPP/UFFS, Campus de Cerro Largo/RS.


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How to Cite

SILVA, S. S.; TOLFO, D. de M. .; THOMAS, D. J.; SPIES, E.; D’ALMEIDA, R. R. . B.; ANES, C. E. . R. . GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY:: CHALLENGES AND POSSIBILITIES. Proceedings of the Latin American Symposium on Regional Development Studies, IJUÍ - RS - BRASIL, v. 3, n. 1, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.