Cooperative, Cooperative Identity, Sustainable Development, 17 SDGsAbstract
Sustainable development and identity cooperatives have numerous points of convergence. It is public knowledge that cooperatives can be relevant instruments in the construction of a more sustainable world, especially if they are acting in the light of cooperative identity. However, when analyzing the literature, no instruments were found that contributed to the cooperative manager diagnosing in what dimensions the cooperative could contribute to this process in the community. Thus, this work had as general objective to create a diagnostic instrument to identify the needs of the community in order to enable greater effectiveness of the actions of a cooperative considering the Institutional, Social, Economic and Environmental dimensions of the 17 SDGs. This work is characterized as an essay of phenomenological approach. Tables 2 and 3 and figure 3 together account for the proposed objective creating the Coop Sustainability Framework instrument. It is concluded that the instrument may be able to contribute to a diagnosis of the reality of the respondents, giving the cooperative information to think about actions to promote sustainable development in its community.
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