Open space, Landscape Preference, Questionnaires, Urban planningAbstract
This work sought to analyze a open spaces in the Center of Panambi/RS, Emancipação Square , through the preference of the landscape through photographs and the qualitative quantitative empirical approach. We tried to contribute with recommendations that subsidize its management and territorial planning in order to fulfill its social/environme its management and territorial planning in order to fulfill its social/environmental/cultural ntal/cultural function in the urban environment. function in the urban environment. A set of information was obtained on the characteristics, A set of information was obtained on the characteristics, uses and perceptions of the square, and the average satisfaction and appreciation on the part of uses and perceptions of the square, and the average satisfaction and appreciation on the part of users was understood, in addition to the weaknesses users was understood, in addition to the weaknesses in relation to urban furniture and in relation to urban furniture and maintenance, and the potential associated with the use for recreation and social interaction. It maintenance, and the potential associated with the use for recreation and social interaction. It was found that after conducting the research, the data collected helped in making management was found that after conducting the research, the data collected helped in making management decisions and improvements for decisions and improvements for the open space.the open space.
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