Patrimonialization, Regional development, Landscapes, Herb cultureAbstract
The patrimonialization process is capable of building, rebuilding and even promoting greater appreciation of any good. Patrimonialization does not only correspond to the process of bringing identity to the past, but mainly of making it reborn. Patrimonialization generates regional development, development that goes beyond promoting economic growth, it can promote the recognition of the history of a people, also generate development to various sectors such as culture, tourism and commerce, always linked to safeguarding sustainable production. In this sense, the general objective of this dissertation is to understand the territory of Amambai (MS), in the context of patrimonialization, highlighting important aspects for the valuation of heritage. The methodological principles adopted in this study involve a qualitative approach of the descriptive and exploratory type, based on hermeneutics through the combined use of historical and cartographic sources. The analysis made it possible to identify a tourist route for the municipality and rank them, demonstrating that despite the great potential for tourist attractiveness, part of the landscapes that surround the heritage assets do not present aspects of preservation. The indication of these threats to the conservation of biomes and cultural aspects, such as the herb culture, is indispensable, since these are propelling springs for the appreciation of local identity.
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