
  • Kátia Michele Maroski Scherer PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Tarcisio Dorn de Oliveira PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Eva da Silva Neta PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Julia Licks Chassot PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Jeferson Grosse Hardt PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Sérgio Luís Allebrandt PPGDR/UNIJUÍ


City, Urban planning, Environmental preservation, Quality of life


The planning and growth of urban space must be understood as something broad, which must necessarily encompass social, economic, environmental, cultural and political issues. When cities are well planned and built, the urbanization process becomes more sustainable and inclusive. Thus, the methodology used, considering the procedures, is structured through a
bibliographical and documentary research, while the objective of the text intends to reflect the city of well-being in the 21st century, taking into account the importance of ecological development. and sustainable, given its impact on the transformation of the natural and built environment by understanding the different conditions that affect urban dynamics and transformation. It is noticed that plans and projects that promote resilient and eco-sustainable development, at the municipal, state and/or national level, must be essential premises in the planning of more compact, connected, integrated and inclusive cities. It is essential to adopt an integrated systemic vision in the short, medium and long term, striving for planning based on the support of nature and taking into account the plurality present in the various urban contexts.

Author Biographies

Kátia Michele Maroski Scherer, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Master's student in Regional Development at UNIJUÍ. CAPES scholarship holder.

Tarcisio Dorn de Oliveira, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Post-Doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism by IMED. PhD in Science Education from UNIJUÍ.

Eva da Silva Neta, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Master's student in Regional Development at UNIJUÍ. CNPq scholarship holder.

Julia Licks Chassot, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Master's student in Regional Development at UNIJUÍ. UNIJUÍ scholarship holder.

Jeferson Grosse Hardt, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

PhD student in Regional Development at the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (UNIJUÍ). Capes/CNPq scholarship holder.

Sérgio Luís Allebrandt, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

PhD in Regional Development from UNISC.


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How to Cite

SCHERER, K. M. M.; OLIVEIRA, T. D. de; SILVA NETA, E. da .; CHASSOT, J. . L. .; HARDT, J. . G. .; ALLEBRANDT, S. L. CITY OF BEM-VIVER: INTER-RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL INCLUSION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Proceedings of the Latin American Symposium on Regional Development Studies, IJUÍ - RS - BRASIL, v. 3, n. 1, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

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