
  • Sandra Mineia Cardoso Carneiro PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Vanessa Tais Scheffler Ciechowicz Wissmann PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Kátia Michele Maroski Scherer PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Euselia Paveglio Vieira PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Jorge Oneide Sausen PPGDR/UNIJUÍ
  • Sérgio Luís Allebrandt PPGDR/UNIJUÍ


Competitiveness, Organizational Strategy, Digital Marketing, E-commerce


This article aims to investigate the strategies and actions used by a retail company in the city of Ijuí, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), during the period of the Pandemic caused by Covid-19 to maintain, adapt and improve in the face of the challenges and difficulties generated. It is presented at first, the thematization based on the various publications, which in general deals with the effects and impacts that the critical period of the Pandemic generated in the retail trade sector. Therefore, through descriptive, qualitative research and through unstructured interviews, it presents elements and considerations about strategies and actions used by the researched company to be able to “survive” during the pandemic context. The importance of having a consolidated Financial Management in the company was verified, linking itself to e-commerce sales, enhancing digital marketing, in addition to motivating employees, seeking other alternatives in the digital sphere to be able to sell the products and strengthen the loyalty relationships between customers. It is concluded that the ability to adapt, reinvent and innovate were crucial in maintaining the business.

Author Biographies

Sandra Mineia Cardoso Carneiro, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Master's student in Regional Development at the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Unijuí); Graduated in Administration and Accounting Sciences and post-graduated by the same University.

Vanessa Tais Scheffler Ciechowicz Wissmann, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Master's student in Regional Development at the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Unijuí); Prosuc/Capes scholarship holder. Graduated in Social Communication – qualification in Journalism from the Lutheran University of Brazil (Ulbra).

Kátia Michele Maroski Scherer, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Master's student in Regional Development at the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Unijuí); Prosuc/Capes scholarship holder; Graduated in Law from the same University.

Euselia Paveglio Vieira, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Doctorate in Business Administration at the Universidad Nacional de Misiones, UNAN, Argentina 2017/UFMS 2020.

Jorge Oneide Sausen, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Post-Doctorate in Administration, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil, 2011.

Sérgio Luís Allebrandt, PPGDR/UNIJUÍ

Doutor em Desenvolvimento Regional pelo PPGDR/UNISC (2010); Mestre em Gestão Empresatrial pela EBAPE/FGV (2001). Bolsista Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq. Professor Titular do PPGDR/UNIJUÍ.





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How to Cite

CARNEIRO, S. M. C. .; WISSMANN, V. T. S. C.; SCHERER, K. M. M.; VIEIRA, E. P.; SAUSEN, J. O. .; ALLEBRANDT, S. L. ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIES USED DURING THE PERIOD OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC BY A RETAIL COMPANY IN THE CITY OF IJUÍ-BRAZIL. Proceedings of the Latin American Symposium on Regional Development Studies, IJUÍ - RS - BRASIL, v. 3, n. 1, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



ST4 – Inovação, Gestão de organizações e dinâmicas de mercados